Lab Platform Governance, Media and Technology (PGMT)

Tag: Platform Governance Archive

  • New Article: „How Negative Media Coverage Impacts Platform Governance“ by Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach

    New Article: „How Negative Media Coverage Impacts Platform Governance“ by Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach

    An important publication from the Lab’s own Dr. Prof. Christian Katzenbach in collaboration with colleagues from the University of Zurich as well as the Humboldt University of Berlin; Emma Hoes, K. Jonathan Klüser, Felix Hamborg, Meysam Alizadeh, Mael Kubli and Led by Nahema Marchal: “How Negative Media Coverage Impacts Platform Governance”. The empirical research was presented back at #ICA22 in Paris, in a panel chaired by Daniel…

  • X (formerly Twitter) softens its violent speech policy 

    X (formerly Twitter) softens its violent speech policy 

    On the 25th of October 2023, the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, made changes in their global Community Guidelines policy.  According to the Platform Governance Archive, a data depository which automatically tracks policy changes on  18 platforms, X significantly softened its violent speech policy.  In 2023, violent speech is defined by X (and…

  • Meta changes its policy on sadistic imagery and violence as the Israeli–Palestinian conflict escalates

    Meta · Community Guidelines · 17 October, 2023 *The following post may contain explicit language and content that could be distressing to some readers On October 17, Instagram and Facebook changed their Community Guidelines to specifically prohibit sadistic posts containing imagery of deceased babies. While before the corresponding policy section forbade the posting of  “sadistic…

  • YouTube now permitting misinformation about US elections

    YouTube ‧ Community Guidelines · June 2, 2023 YouTube changed its guidelines now allowing false claims regarding the 2020 and other past US presidential elections on their site. An updated YouTube elections misinformation policy implies that the platform will no longer remove false information about any past US presidential election, including claims about widespread fraud,…