Lab Platform Governance, Media and Technology (PGMT)

Online Talk Series

Behind the Scenes
Conversations on Empirical Platform Governance Research

An Online Talk and Discussion Series

Hosted by:
Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI), University of Bremen
Christian Katzenbach, Paloma Viejo Otero

Centre for Media and Journalism Studies, University of Groningen
João C. Magalhães

When and Where:
Usually Tuesdays, 3-4pm CET (monthly, sometimes day and time differ!)
Online via Zoom 

Platform governance has received extraordinary public, scholarly, and policy attention in recent years. Knowledge and information about how platform powershapes public communication is critical for informed public debates and evidence-based policy-making. At the same time, researchers seeking to investigate content moderation and other platform activities with academic rigour and empirical consistency face substantial challenges, most prominently with regard to data access. Yet, there is a growing community of scholars doing empirical research in this domain. 

This series of talks invites scholars in this topic to share their experiences and views, fostering  community exchange about how we can study platform governance in this challenging context. How can we cope with precarious or non-existent data access? How do we manoeuvre confidentiality and sensitivity of critical information? How do we deal with grappling decisions that we face in our empirical research? 


We are bringing the emerging expert community together to talk about these challenges and options. We meet regularly (monthly) for a 1-hour online session. The format puts exchange and conversation front and center. Each session starts with a short input talk by a scholar portraying a method or recent empirical study in the field of platform governance. After the talk there is a (at least) 30 mins moderated discussion. 

The hosts Christian KatzenbachPaloma Viejo Otero, and João C. Magalhães are bringing the emerging expert community together to talk about these challenges and options, once a month for  1-hour online sessions. The format puts exchange and conversation front and center. Each session starts with a short input talk by a scholar portraying a method or recent empirical study in the field of platform governance. Presentations will be followed by a moderated discussion. 

This online series is part of a set of broader activities of ZeMKI, the PGMT lab, and the Center for Media and Technology to foster community formation and exchange in the field of platform governance, such as the Platform Governance Archive (PGA) and the Platform Governance Research Network (PlatGovNet).

Upcoming Talks

October 20, 3-4pm (CET)
Rébecca Suzanne Franco: An Industry Perspective on Regulating Platformized Sexual Content

Complete List of Talks


February 20, 3-4 pm (CET)
Sahana Udupa: Platform Governance and Extreme Speech: Three Approaches to Corporate Stonewalling

April 16, 3-4 pm (CET)
Eugenia Siapera & Elizabeth Farries: CSOs as Platform Governance Actors

May 28, 3-4 pm (CET)
Anne Helmond & Fernando van der Vlist: The Material Conditions of Platform Governance

June 18, 3-4 pm (CET)
Robert Gorwa: Qualitative Methods for Regulatory Episodes: Examining Policy Development in the Context of Global Platform Regulation

July 9, 1-2pm CEST
Quint/Theocharis – Does the Community Understand the Community Guidelines?

October 20, 3-4pm (CET)
Rébecca Suzanne Franco: An Industry Perspective on Regulating Platformized Sexual Content


May 9
Tarleton Gillespie: Studying What Platforms Don’t Necessarily Want to Talk About

June 13
Rebecca Scharlach: Governing principles – The promises and challenges of identifying values in social media platform policies

July 4
Catalina Goanta: How EU consumer regulation changed social media platform geographies

October 24
Robert W. Gehl: From Codes of Conduct to the Digital Covenant: Mastodon and the Struggle for Ethical Social Media

November 14, 2-3pm (CET)
Zheyu Shang: Towards a More Inclusive Platform Governance: Users’ Practices of Participatory Content Moderation on China’s Digital Platforms

December 04 (Monday!), 6-7pm (CET)
Sarah T. Roberts:  Behind “Behind the Screen”: On Doing Research That Companies Don’t Want Done


Please register with an email-address for attending talks in this series, so that we can share the meeting link with you and announce future talks. 
