Lab Platform Governance, Media and Technology (PGMT)

Category: Conference Presentations

  • PGMT talks at #ICA23

    PGMT talks at #ICA23

    After #unstable23 and the Shaping AI Consortium Meeting in Montreal we are now heading to Toronto for #ICA23 (by a wonderful evening train ride BTW – highly recommended!). In Toronto, we will be presenting the following papers: Finally Opening Up? The Evolution of Transparency Reporting Practices of Social Media PlatformsChristian Katzenbach; Dennis Redeker; Selim BasogluFriday,…

  • Shaping AI – PGMT Going to Canada

    Shaping AI – PGMT Going to Canada

    Following last week’s DGPuK 2023, this week again is conference week at PGMT: We are en route to Canada 🇨🇦🍁. Before heading to Toronto for #ICA23, we are co-hosting the Shaping AI symposium “(un)Stable Diffusions“, a two-day international symposium on AI’s publics, publicities, and publicizations at Milieux Institute in Montreal/Tiohtià:ke, together with our project partners…

  • Attitudes toward the Global Digital Compact consultation process: Dennis Redeker presents at GIG-ARTS 2023

    Attitudes toward the Global Digital Compact consultation process: Dennis Redeker presents at GIG-ARTS 2023

    This week, on 16 May, lab member Dr. Dennis Redeker presented a paper on people’s attitudes toward the Global Digital Compact consultations at the annual GIG-ARTS Internet governance research conference. The vibrant GIG-ARTS 2023 took place at the University of Padova, one of the Europe’s oldest universities. The Global Digital Compact (GDC) consultations are currently…

  • AI, Agenda-Setting and the illusion of automation – PGMT at #DGPuK2023

    It is quite busy weeks ahead at the PGMT lab. Just before ICA 2023, we are hosting the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association DGPuK 2023 here at ZeMKI in Bremen. The overaching theme is “Automation in Media and Communication”, and PGMT is contributing with two papers: The conference is happening on-site on the…

  • Folklore Input into the Ukrainian Strategic Narrative – Artem Zakharchenko with input to ASN World Convention 2023, NYC

    This week our fellow and guest researcher Dr. Artem Zakharchenko is presenting his work at the ASN World Convention 2023 in New York City, hosted by Columbia University. Artem will participate in the panel “Folklore and Narratives of Russia’s War against Ukraine” with a contribution on “Folklore Input into the Ukrainian Strategic Narrative”. Dr. Artem…