Lab Platform Governance, Media and Technology (PGMT)

Conference poster for "Unstable diffusions" picturing layered renderings of a tree

Shaping AI – PGMT Going to Canada

Following last week’s DGPuK 2023, this week again is conference week at PGMT: We are en route to Canada 🇨🇦🍁. Before heading to Toronto for #ICA23, we are co-hosting the Shaping AI symposium “(un)Stable Diffusions“, a two-day international symposium on AI’s publics, publicities, and publicizations at Milieux Institute in Montreal/Tiohtià:ke, together with our project partners in the project.

We will present a wide range of activities within the Shaping AI project. In addition, Vanessa and Christian will present preliminary results out of sister-project “Imaginaries of AI“, together with Zurich-based project partner Saba Rebecca Brause: “Who is Shaping AI Debates and Trajectories? Stakeholders and their Imaginaries of AI in US- and German Social and News Media”.

Register here for the Montreal Symposium – you can also tune in remotely. Or see you later in the week at #ICA23 in Toronto.






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