Lab Platform Governance, Media and Technology (PGMT)

PGMT at #IAMCR2023

Good morning! Today #IAMCR2023 is starting with the full programm in Lyon and online. The PGMT team is directly starting with two competing presentations at 8:30 this Monday:

  • Adrian Kopps is presenting the data paper of our Platform Governance Archive (PGA). We have collected and continue to collect content moderation policies, terms of services and other policies from myjor social media platforms and offer this for download and analysis for research and beyond. It’s part of the CPT session “Regulating digital platforms and their practices” in Room RB-201. Katzenbach et al.: The Platform Governance Archive: A longitudinal dataset to study the historical evolution of platform policies
  • Vanessa Richter asks: Who is dominating the Twitter discourse on AI? This talk is part of our project Imaginaries of AI and presents our first empirical study: the analysis of AI debates on Twitter with a focus on the visibility and salience of different stakeholders. The talk is part of the panel “Artificial Intelligence, Twitter and Communication Research” chaired by Friedrich Krotz in Room Amphi 4bis.
    Richter / Katzenbach / Dergacheva / Kuznetsova: AI Stakeholders in US- and German Twitter Discourse: Who is Shaping AI Debates and Trajectories?

Then on Wednesday:

  • Daria Dergacheva presents joint work with Evgenia Barakshina on social media in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This talk takes place WED 16:00 in room 107 (learning lab) and is part of the CPN session “War, media practices and narratives”. Dergacheva/Barakshina: A ***, not a war: development of sensitive word culture in social media as a form of everyday resistance during the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us either via mail, or catch Adrian, Daria, or Vanessa in the hallways in Lyon.



