Author: Alessa Eggeling
ZeMKI hosts AoIR Flashpoint Symposium 2025
The Lab Platform Governance, Media, and Technology (PGMT), at the Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI), University of Bremen, is hosting the next AoIR Flashpoint Symposium on 3-4 june 2025.
PGMT Lab at AoIR2024 conference in Sheffield, UK
The PGMT Lab is going to AoIR in Sheffield, UK, from October 30 to November 2, 2024. The conference brings together hundreds of academics, researchers and other participants for an interdisciplinary, multi-methodological look at the Internet.
Prof Katzenbach speaks on ‘Algorithmic Governance and Agency’ at the University of Cambridge
Prof. Christian Katzenbach is giving a lecture on ‘Algorithmic Governance and Agency: Imaginaries, Infrastructures, and Politics’ at the University of Cambridge on October 29.
ZeMKI member Daria Dergacheva presenting at ‘Countering Hybrid Threats While Protecting Digital Rights’ Workshop
Dr. Daria Dergacheva from PGMT Lab will present on the topic “Governing Russian disinformation: very large social media platforms policies in the context of Russian invasion and war in Ukraine” at a workshop at Maastricht University on October 11, 2024.
PGMT Lab at 10th ECREA conference in Ljubljana
We are going to ECREA at the University of Ljubljana from September 24-27, 2024. The 10th european communication conference runs under the topic of communication and social (dis)order.
First Blended Intensive Program (BIP) held at the University of Bremen
Under the coordination of PGMT Lab member Dr. Dennis Redeker, the first Blended Intensive Program (BIP) took place at the University of Bremen.