Lab Platform Governance, Media and Technology (PGMT)

Tag: global digital compact

  • First Blended Intensive Program (BIP) held at the University of Bremen

    First Blended Intensive Program (BIP) held at the University of Bremen

    Under the coordination of PGMT Lab member Dr. Dennis Redeker, the first Blended Intensive Program (BIP) took place at the University of Bremen. The Erasmus+-funded program offers teachers innovative opportunities for international cooperation and students the chance to participate in intensive short-term programs in Germany and abroad.  At the first BIP at the University of…

  • Erasmus+ BIP on the UN Global Digital Compact a success

    Erasmus+ BIP on the UN Global Digital Compact a success

    In late April 2024, ZeMKI and the University of Bremen, hosted their first-ever Erasmus+ “blended-intensive programme” (BIP). Around thirty students and half a dozen instructors from eight universities across Europe participated in a week-long workshop designed under the theme “Digital Constitutionalism and the UN Global Digital Compact”. This in-person phase of the blended-intensive format is…